This movie is based on Alien Hand Syndrome Karthik | Peechankai | TN 89

2017-10-30 1

Peechankai Film Actor Karthik exclusive interview Director Ashoks Peechankai, a dark comedy, talks about alien hand syndrome - where a person experiences .\r
Here is our exclusive interview with The Team of Peechaankai - Indias first alien hand syndrome movie. #Peechaankai, story of a left handed pickpocket starring .\r
Peechankai Film Director Ashok exclusive interview Director Ashoks Peechankai, a dark comedy, talks about alien hand syndrome - where a person .\r
Peechankai Film Music Director Balamurali Balu exclusive interview Director Ashoks Peechankai, a dark comedy, talks about alien hand syndrome - where a .